Secure AI Implementation

Start your AI journey off on the right foot.

AI has taken the world by storm. Generative AI has the fastest technology adoption of any technology to date. What you need to consider is how do you ensure your AI implementation isn’t a security vulnerability. We understand you need to get to market quickly to take advantage of the landscape but let us help you do it securely. The consequences of making a misstep are costly.

We offer AI Risk Management training, implementation, and AI secure development lifecycle (AISDL) deployment guidance based on the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards. Select the option below to learn more about each service.

Cyber Security

Cyber security is foundational, don’t make it an afterthought.

We have all heard the cyber security trumpets blowing for decades. You understand how important it is, but it has never been the attractive part of developing IT products and services. That doesn’t mean you can afford for it to take a back seat. Your cyber security strategy is as important as your liability insurance. Let us help you build a strong foundation.

We can help with CISO services such as CISO advisory on emerging technologies, or operate as your CISO on a temporary or ongoing basis. We can also provide ACSC Essential 8 Services training your staff on E8, or assisting with E8 assessments for your organisation.

Our Services

We can help make AI Security approachable.

AI Risk Management Training

We will train your teams in the implementation of the NIST AI Risk Management Framework and the best practices from the ISO series on AI design, development and management such as ISO 42001, 5339, and 23894.

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AIRM Implementation

We assist your team with implementation of the NIST AI Risk Management Framework in your environment. We can train your teams on the job with extensive knowledge transfer, so they are equipped for the future.

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CISO As A Service

If you need to kickstart or update your cyber security program, we provide expert guidance and implementation consulting for organizational cyber security.

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Essential 8

We provide training, consulting and implementation for the ACSC Essential 8. The Essential 8 is a security framework that focuses on 8 of the most effective cyber security mitigation techniques to thwart a vast majority of cyber-attacks.

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Fast & Reliable

We Make The Hard Stuff Simple


The NIST AI Risk Management Framework is designed to be used by any one creating or using AI solutions. It is there to ensure these solutions do no harm. We can help you understand and use it.

Essential 8

The ACSC Essential 8 is designed to help defend your internet connected infrastructure. It provides guidance on the eight most effective ways to protect your infrastructure. We can perform assessments of your Essential 8 maturity level, and how to close any caps you may have.

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